love has a name

Abigail Jeovannie
3 min readAug 25, 2023


Alethea has a confession to make. She did not commit a murder, but she has a very serious confession to make.

She told me to tell you that she promised it truly doesn’t involve some dangerous, wrapped up stuff that you usually see on the big screen. She said she can assure you that. (And it’s not something cliche either, she confirmed)

Nevertheless, the confession required a heavy exhalation before she could utter it. She said she had to discard her ego and walk it out with her brand new shoes. This thing.. that she needs to make a confession about, shattered her pride entirely.

By the age of twenty three, Alethea has seen what true love looks like. “What something looks like versus what something feels like, those two are completely opposite”, Alethea said. “And now, I know what it looks like.”

At first, she recalled that she didn’t believe herself either. She thought she must’ve been gone mad! Love is a feeling! Aren’t we supposed to feel things when we’re in love? Like all of a sudden, we feel all giddy, confused, over the moon all at once? Perhaps love embodies something deeper.

Alethea has seen love. She said, love has tender eyes. “Love is slow to speak, slow to anger.” She told me to tell you that she has seen a great mercy surrounding love itself, and she thinks it’s really, really, crazy how love never predicates upon knowledge and feelings. Alethea said, the love she sees has a compassionate doe eyes. The love she sees has the humblest smile she has ever witnessed.

She has also seen that love has never forgetful, but forgiving. She said love does not boast and true. Love.. is not just a principle, she said love is rather an action, humility, commitment, and defies arrogance. This love altered her understanding — a revelation that exposed her to another kingdom, a realm that she never thought she would peek an insight from.

She said, this love is unique. It does not rejoice self, but rather sacrifice itself for others. This love loves unlike the world loves. This love doesn’t asserting freedom heedlessly before those who have different point of views on things. This love never say something like “As long as this makes me happy.. I don’t care.” No. This love stands apart. This love will always act as servant. People first, self second.

At first, she thought that this would cause a lot of controversy, looking how different this love is from what she has seen on her surroundings. However, she somehow knew that this love is worth finding out.

Alethea saw that this love never follows a men’s heart. “I just discovered this now. This love unveils the secret about one’s heart. Men’s heart is deceitful.” she said. Afterwards, she wondered to herself about how many times she acted on impulse as a result of following her own heart. Just like buying things she did not need, saying things she did not mean. Yeah, she has regrets still.

Above all things that she has seen from this true love and discovering what it actually looks like, Alethea was stood awestruck by this one thing.

She saw love with the purest gaze, crowned with thorns. She said that “this love.. this love thought of me”, she intently said. “I know what love looks like, she then added. “Love is a Person.”

“Love is a Person, and He has a name.” He has mercy that renews every morning, and most importantly.. this love owns eternal victory.

Love will always lead you to the truth, way, and life. Alethea said, that love purifies every damage inside of her whole being. With the same sweet doe eyes, that love showed her that she is made for bigger dreams beyond her comprehension.

That love gave her purpose. And that love has a name.

That love is truth.

